About Us:
A faint bird caw echoes through the night, calling all weary travelers alike into the halls of a simple tavern. Hidden just on the outskirts of Ul’dah rests a second home for adventurers and civilians alike. Offering promises of rest and jubilation within warm walls as we welcome you to the Ravenwood Tavern~
Venue highlights & amenities:
We offer an open and inviting space with a little spot of joy for all~ Such as: the bar & live bard stage, gamba room, reading nook, and large baths!
Dynamis - Kraken - Goblet - W2 -P43
- We do not tolerate hate speech or bullying of any kind in our establishment. Please leave all forms of harassment, racism, homophobia, and hateful fueled actions at the door or you will quickly be shown it and asked to leave.- Our establishment is R18+ We do not lewd the minors OR the Lalas here.- Consent is key! No means No! If we find anyone not adhering to this rule, violators will quickly be shown the door.- Ravenwood Tavern is exclusively an RP venue, we ask that you stay in character and NOT drag ooc/irl drama into these halls.- Shout/yell chat is exclusively for staff, and even then it will be limited. We ask our tenants to remember they are in a cozy tavern and not a bustling club here.- Our Tavern is NOT a secret fight club, please leave all personal drama at the door.- Have fun and relax, we at Ravenwood do all we can to ensure the safety and comfort of our guests. Please allow yourself to relax, rejuvenate, and rest while here ♥
Catbird Damarosh
Age: 30Pronouns: He/HimRace: Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)Job: Co-owner, Proprietor and BartenderPersonality: Generally a very serious and professional individual, He has been corrupted some by his partner and co-owner of Ravenwood, Summer and has a playful chaotic side that shines through when he has his guard down.Availability: sfw RP onlyRandom Quote: "I swear to all that is holy, you're going to give me a stroke Summer."

Summer Sunflower
Age: 28Pronouns: She/HerRace: au'ra soft lizardJob: bartender & co-ownerAvailability: Open to rp, not available for erp.Personality: Summer is soft spoken and rather bubbly. Opening up to those around her with time. Often found behind the bar making new creations or down in the baths taking care of patrons.Random Quote: "There once was a bee, it gave a sting ... The bee is now dead and the honey we use for our mead~♡"
Vladimir Drago
Age: 28Pronouns: He/HimRace: Viera BunnyBoyJob: Gamba DealerAvailability: Open to all, but it'll cost ya to get close♡Personality: Vlad is a loveable flirt with a big personality and will always tell it to you straight - even if a tad too boldly at times. Always looking for a fun time and good vibes, might even make your night if you play your cards rightRandom Fact: Vlad stumbled across the fun medicinal effects of moko grass completely by accident while adventuring... its not an accident now though~(Bonus fact: Vlad knows how to play the guitar.)